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Simple Sign International AB
Karlavägen 20
11431 Stockholm, SWEDEN
Phone: +46(0)10 750 09 66
SimpleSign for Zapier Integration Accelerate your workflows by connecting your SimpleSign account to a wide range of other useful apps within the Zapier environment. Send template and collect signatures in seconds straight from your favorite apps.
SimpleSign for Dropbox integration Seamlessly archive documents to your Dropbox account. The SimpleSign integration for Dropbox lets you work efficiently while remaining secure and compliant.
SimpleSign for SharePoint integration Send and Sign documents using SimpleSign and automatically archive your documents into your SharePoint library. Each documents contain all necessary meta data to simplify search and data collection within SharePoint.
SimpleSign for Salesforce Integration Create, Send and Track contracts from custom objects, in SalesForce. Build custom quotes that auto-populates with data from SalesForce. With SimpleSign SalesForce integration you can use all the popular features of SimpleSign eSignatures & Contract Management
SimpleSign for Zapier Integration Accelerate your workflows by connecting your SimpleSign account to a wide range of other useful apps within the Zapier environment. Send template and collect signatures in seconds straight from your favorite apps.